Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Dawn, of the Eve... of Law School Finals...

I cannot believe we are here! Tomorrow Josh writes his 1st of 5 (or 6) law school finals... BARF!!!!! I hate, yes seriously hate. (dont tell me that is toooo strong of a word) these days spread out over a week and a half. It's insanely hard to watch your Hubs stressed to the max, on zero sleep, cramming for these few hours of intense exam writings which sum up 100% of his grade. You want to fix it or help in some way... but there is nothing you can do to make this better... Well, there are some things... but I wont blog about those... ;) 

Anyways, I realized that I had offically transferred into "Finals Mode" this morning as I started off my day with goldfish and coffee for breakfast, yep the "breakfast of champions" mom style... I've let the TV run since the crack of dawn (that counts as a babysitter right?)... and have already started the small panic attacks that will continue thoughout the day.  All of this drama... and I'm not even the one writing the exams. Maybe I'm a little crazy? Yes, perhaps....

...Or maybe I should take this moment and be thankful? yes thankful!!! I have been taught "in everything give thanks", but in the moments of stress, craziness or suffering, I really struggle with this. 

...So today I'm choosing, instead of feeling to complain about this to everyone I bump into, I'm going to use this feeling as a reminder that I'm so thankful that my husband is my best friend, and that we are such a team that when he feels exhausted and stressed to the max, I also take on those feelings,.. I have been blessed (against all odds) with a fantastic marriage! When others I love haven't. Plus, I've had this wonderful opportunity to relocate and make tons of new freinds.. all while Josh is furthering his knowledge to be more useful in this world. When I pause to look at "Law School Finals" in this light, that unsetteling, terrible feeling I struggle with in these moments... is in fact a gift! If only I would get over myself and view it that way.

So in this moment, against what my insides are screaming... I'm going to trust God's word and choose,


1 comment:

  1. Agree! Thankfulness - it is one of the keys that keep our minds in a good place. Thanks for the reminder.

    Hang in there Josh - Give it your best - you are amazing and will do fantastic. You have worked extremely hard and will continue.
